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The Button component is a simple button that performs specified commands when a user clicks it.


import { ButtonComponent } from '@chit-chat/ngx-emoji-picker/lib/components/button';

Basic Usage

<ch-button label="Click me!" (onClick)="handleClick($event)"></ch-button>


Specifies the shape of the button.

<ch-button shape="square" label="Square"></ch-button>
<ch-button shape="round" label="Round"></ch-button>


Specifies the background and border color of the button.

<ch-button shape="solid" label="Solid"></ch-button>
<ch-button shape="outlined" label="Outlined"></ch-button>
<ch-button shape="clear" label="Clear"></ch-button>


Specifies the button type.

<ch-button type="primary" label="Primary"></ch-button>
<ch-button type="success" label="Success"></ch-button>
<ch-button type="danger" label="Danger"></ch-button>
<ch-button type="warning" label="Warning"></ch-button>
<ch-button type="info" label="Info"></ch-button>
<ch-button type="contrast" label="Contrast"></ch-button>


Icon of a button is specified with icon property and position is configured using position attribute of the icon.

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z'

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z'
label="Icon Left"

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z',
position: 'right'
label="Icon Right"

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z',
position: 'bottom'
label="Icon Bottom"

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z',
position: 'top'
label="Icon Top"

Icon Only

Buttons without having any label.

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z'

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z'

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z'

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z'

path: 'M220-130v-650h323.84l16 80H780v360H536.16l-16-80H280v290h-60Z'


The button component provides various configuration options to control how it responds to user interactions. You can disable specific interaction states such as hover, focus, and active, or fully disable the button.

<ch-button [disabled]="true" label="Disabled"></ch-button>
<ch-button [hoverStateEnabled]="false" label="Hover state disabled"></ch-button>
<ch-button [focusStateEnabled]="false" label="Focus state disabled"></ch-button>
<ch-button [activeStateEnabled]="false" label="Active state disabled"></ch-button>


The button component supports a raised style, which gives the button an elevated appearance, creating a shadow effect beneath the button.

<ch-button [raised]="true" label="Raised"></ch-button>

Custom content

The button component allows for complete customization of its content. You can insert any custom HTML or SVG elements inside the button to create unique visual experiences, such as custom icons or complex layouts.

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="35" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 375 374.999991" height="35" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0">
<clipPath id="ccca2dffe4"><path d="M 46.773438 30.550781 L 320.5625 30.550781 L 320.5625 343.453125 L 46.773438 343.453125 Z M 46.773438 30.550781 " clip-rule="nonzero" /></clipPath>
<g clip-path="url(#ccca2dffe4)">
d="M 63.8125 178.625 L 47.019531 178.625 C 46.878906 181.394531 46.789062 184.207031 46.789062 187.019531 C 46.789062 189.835938 46.878906 192.609375 47.019531 195.417969 L 84.019531 195.417969 C 85.503906 216.597656 92.511719 236.300781 103.632812 253.054688 L 115.816406 240.871094 C 107.511719 227.441406 102.207031 211.984375 100.863281 195.417969 C 100.632812 192.648438 100.546875 189.835938 100.546875 187.019531 C 100.546875 184.15625 100.632812 181.394531 100.863281 178.625 C 102.207031 162.011719 107.511719 146.554688 115.816406 133.125 L 103.632812 120.941406 C 92.511719 137.695312 85.503906 157.398438 84.019531 178.625 Z M 111.707031 292.507812 L 99.804688 304.414062 C 95.605469 300.671875 91.589844 296.753906 87.808594 292.644531 C 67.691406 270.636719 53.796875 242.949219 48.820312 212.214844 L 65.839844 212.214844 C 70.597656 238.289062 82.59375 261.871094 99.714844 280.742188 L 106.820312 273.636719 L 113.972656 266.433594 L 125.878906 254.578125 C 129.570312 258.773438 133.628906 262.699219 137.921875 266.253906 C 149.453125 275.753906 163.117188 282.820312 178.019531 286.601562 L 178.019531 303.859375 C 158.496094 299.652344 140.734375 290.65625 126.015625 278.199219 Z M 137.507812 187.019531 C 137.507812 189.835938 137.6875 192.648438 138.011719 195.417969 C 142.167969 227.71875 169.757812 252.726562 203.257812 252.726562 C 212.488281 252.726562 221.304688 250.835938 229.28125 247.375 L 241.878906 259.972656 C 230.339844 266.066406 217.199219 269.527344 203.257812 269.527344 C 160.484375 269.527344 125.324219 237.042969 121.121094 195.417969 C 120.84375 192.648438 120.703125 189.835938 120.703125 187.019531 C 120.703125 184.15625 120.84375 181.347656 121.121094 178.625 C 125.324219 136.953125 160.484375 104.464844 203.257812 104.464844 C 217.199219 104.464844 230.339844 107.929688 241.878906 114.023438 L 229.28125 126.621094 C 221.304688 123.160156 212.488281 121.269531 203.257812 121.269531 C 169.757812 121.269531 142.167969 146.277344 138.011719 178.625 C 137.6875 181.347656 137.507812 184.15625 137.507812 187.019531 Z M 256.089844 250.421875 L 244.144531 238.476562 C 248.527344 234.964844 252.449219 230.945312 255.863281 226.421875 L 267.816406 238.425781 L 282.164062 252.726562 L 294.070312 264.632812 L 308.371094 278.941406 L 320.277344 290.84375 C 316.542969 295.042969 312.617188 299.011719 308.46875 302.800781 C 286.550781 322.730469 258.949219 336.476562 228.449219 341.414062 L 228.449219 324.390625 C 254.339844 319.683594 277.734375 307.777344 296.5625 290.894531 L 287.746094 282.078125 L 282.253906 276.632812 L 270.351562 264.730469 Z M 211.65625 289.371094 C 228.035156 288.027344 243.3125 282.859375 256.644531 274.742188 L 268.828125 286.925781 C 252.171875 297.859375 232.65625 304.730469 211.65625 306.214844 L 211.65625 343.214844 C 208.847656 343.402344 206.074219 343.453125 203.257812 343.453125 C 200.445312 343.453125 197.632812 343.402344 194.863281 343.214844 C 164.503906 341.652344 136.445312 331.359375 113.09375 314.882812 L 125.136719 302.800781 C 145.253906 316.40625 169.113281 324.898438 194.863281 326.421875 L 194.863281 289.371094 C 197.632812 289.597656 200.394531 289.6875 203.257812 289.6875 C 206.074219 289.6875 208.886719 289.597656 211.65625 289.371094 Z M 111.707031 81.535156 L 99.804688 69.632812 C 95.605469 73.324219 91.589844 77.242188 87.808594 81.398438 C 67.691406 103.367188 53.796875 131.09375 48.820312 161.78125 L 65.839844 161.78125 C 70.597656 135.707031 82.59375 112.132812 99.714844 93.253906 L 106.820312 100.367188 L 113.972656 107.5625 L 125.878906 119.46875 C 129.570312 115.222656 133.628906 111.300781 137.921875 107.75 C 149.453125 98.242188 163.117188 91.183594 178.019531 87.394531 L 178.019531 70.1875 C 158.496094 74.382812 140.734375 83.335938 126.015625 95.796875 L 119.742188 89.5625 Z M 256.089844 123.574219 L 244.144531 135.527344 C 248.527344 139.03125 252.449219 143.089844 255.863281 147.570312 L 294.070312 109.363281 L 308.371094 95.054688 L 320.277344 83.148438 C 316.542969 78.953125 312.617188 74.984375 308.46875 71.203125 C 286.550781 51.3125 258.949219 37.519531 228.449219 32.582031 L 228.449219 49.601562 C 254.339844 54.363281 277.734375 66.21875 296.5625 83.109375 L 287.746094 91.917969 L 282.253906 97.359375 L 270.351562 109.265625 Z M 211.65625 84.625 C 228.035156 85.96875 243.3125 91.136719 256.644531 99.257812 L 268.828125 87.078125 C 252.171875 76.132812 232.65625 69.265625 211.65625 67.789062 L 211.65625 30.78125 C 208.847656 30.640625 206.074219 30.550781 203.257812 30.550781 C 200.445312 30.550781 197.632812 30.640625 194.863281 30.78125 C 164.503906 32.394531 136.445312 42.636719 113.09375 59.113281 L 125.136719 71.203125 C 145.253906 57.589844 169.113281 49.144531 194.863281 47.574219 L 194.863281 84.625 C 197.632812 84.398438 200.394531 84.308594 203.257812 84.308594 C 206.074219 84.308594 208.886719 84.398438 211.65625 84.625 Z M 211.65625 84.625 "


labelstringThe text displayed in the button.undefined
iconPartial<ButtonIconProps>Configuration object for the icon inside the button. See the ButtonIconProps below.undefined
cssClassstring | undefinedSpecifies a CSS class to be applied to the button.undefined
widthnumber | undefinedSpecifies the width of the button.undefined
heightnumber | undefinedSpecifies the height of the button.undefined
disabledbooleanSpecifies whether the button responds to user interaction.false
activeStateEnabledbooleanSpecifies whether the button changes its visual state as a result of user interaction.true
focusStateEnabledbooleanSpecifies whether the button can be focused.true
hoverStateEnabledbooleanSpecifies whether the button changes its state when a user pauses on it.true
type'primary' | 'success' | 'danger' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'contrast'Specifies the button type.'primary'
fill'solid' | 'outline' | 'clear'Specifies how the button is styled.'solid'
raisedbooleanIndicates whether the button should have an elevated appearance.false
shape'square' | 'round'Indicates the shape of the button.'square'
tabIndexnumber | nullSpecifies a tabindex to the button.null
ariaLabelstring | undefinedProvides an accessible label for the button, enhancing screen reader support.undefined
autofocusbooleanSpecifies whether the button should automatically receive focus when the page loads.false


cssClassstringThe CSS class or classes to be applied to the icon for styling purposes.
pathstringThe SVG path data for the icon.
heightnumber | stringThe height of the icon (in pixels or as a string with units like 24px or 1em).
widthnumber | stringThe width of the icon (in pixels or as a string with units like 24px or 1em).
viewBoxstringThe viewBox attribute of the SVG element, defining the icon's position and dimension.
positionIconPositionThe position of the icon relative to the button text (e.g., left, right, top, bottom).


onClickMouseEventCallback to execute when the button is clicked. The event object is passed as a parameter.


getNativeElement()Returns the HTMLElement of the button component.

CSS Custom Properties

--ch-color-primaryPrimary button color.
--ch-color-successSuccess button color.
--ch-color-dangerDanger button color.
--ch-color-warningWarning button color.
--ch-color-infoInfo button color.
--ch-color-contrastThe contrast color, which adapts to light/dark modes.
--ch-color-contrast-alterThe alternative contrast color, which adapts to light/dark modes.